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The Studio Arts program is pleased to announce that Elizabeth Minton '22 is a top 10 finalist in the 2021 Congressional Art Competition for the 7th Congressional District. Rep. Lizzie Fletcher will display Minton's self-portrait "Uncovered" in her office. Minton is one of 34 students who submitted artwork to the district.

Each participating congressional district selects one winner every year, whose artwork will be displayed in the United States Capitol for one year. The other top 10 submissions get the honor of being displayed in the district office for one year. Minton's work will be in Congresswoman Fletcher's district office in Houston.

Throughout the years, many EHS students have entered the Congressional Art Competition and received national and local recognition. Minton initially found out about the Competition through Sharon Willcutts, a studio arts teacher at EHS. "Mrs. Willcutts, who I have had as my art teacher at EHS every year, always pushes me to keep up with and explore my passion for the arts by showing me artists who may inspire me," Minton says. "She encourages me to practice outside of class to improve my skills."

For Minton, art is one of her biggest passions, and she encourages others to enter the competition next year. "I can't imagine my life without art. It has helped me in so many ways and allowed me to express myself," Minton says. "I encourage anyone who has a passion for arts to enter."

Established in 1982, the Congressional Art Competition, sponsored by the Congressional Institute, celebrates the artistic achievements of high school artists from across the country. More than 650,000 students across the country have submitted art for display throughout the past 40 years.

-Lauren West