Each senior at EHS is provided with a free senior page in the yearbook.
Seniors & Parents: Please adhere to deadlines so that we may ensure all is proofread and correct.
Deadline Dates
Rising Seniors: Parents:
August 31 – Word Documents Aug 31 - Tribute Page Reservation
Sept 30 - Tribute Photos/Text Due
Sept 30 - Photos for Senior Page Due
Get your sitting date set with a photographer now if you are planning on a professional taking your child’s photos. They book quickly.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Due to contractual obligations with our publisher, the Senior Pages must be complete for print by OCTOBER 21. Text and photos will need to be submitted prior to this date for inclusion.
- To meet the deadline, the Senior Portrait is best taken over the summer, though it does not have to be done professionally. **Another (pre-existing) photo will be requested as soon as the new yearbook staff meets this summer to decide on Senior Page design as it relates to theme - for example, a baby photo.
- Submission: Color or B&W - Digital (preferable) – 5 x 7 .jpg at 300 dpi minimum.
- Hard Copy - 5 x 7, high resolution. Photographers (or you) can email high resolution images to dframel@ehshouston.org.
- Seniors will complete the written portion of the Senior Page through Word Documents via email.
Some photographers used in the past include the following: