Student Health Services
Campus Clinic
Magnus Health
EHS uses Magnus Health Student Medical Record (SMR) to collect student health information. Magnus Health SMR is a secure and easy-to-use website for submitting data. This website allows our school nurse and athletic trainers to securely and efficiently share and update pertinent student health information.
For technical support contact Magnus Health SMR at: 1-877-461-6831, email, or visit
For any other questions or issues, contact School Nurse.
- Medical History & Physician Physical Examination Forms
- Health Clinic Policies
- Policy for Administration of Medications
- Health Procedures/Student Medical Leave
- Immunization Requirements
- Medical Exemption
Medical History & Physician Physical Examination Forms
Health Clinic Policies
Each student entering the Clinic must have a permit with the time indicated and signed by the teacher whose class they will be missing to go to the Clinic. If the student is visiting the Clinic briefly, the Nurse will countersign, indicating the time on the permit. This procedure enables the student to return quickly to class.
If it becomes necessary for a student to remain in the Clinic longer than one class period, the Attendance Desk will be notified.
If the Nurse is not in her office, a note to that effect will be posted on the Clinic door. At such times, the receptionist will be informed of the Nurse’s whereabouts.
If it becomes necessary for a student to rest while the Nurse is at lunch, the student should hand his or her permit to the Nurse in the cafeteria. She will sign the pass, thereby authorizing the student to go to the Clinic to rest. Clinic visits are entered in a log.
Policy for Administration of Medications
No student may have prescription or non-prescription drugs in his/her possession on school grounds during school hours.
A student may have an illness that requires medication for relief or cure but does not require absence from school. When possible, such medication should be taken at home. However, according to Texas State Legislation and Episcopal High School policy, a medication may be dispensed to a student by school personnel if the following requirements are met by the parent or legal guardian requesting this service:
- All non-prescription drugs that need to be administered at school must be accompanied by a written request, signed and dated by a parent or legal guardian, and containing the following information:
- Full name of student
- Name of drug
- Frequency, dosage, and method of administration
- Reason drug is to be given
- Date
- Signature of parent or guardian
- All prescription drugs that need to be administered at school must be accompanied by a Physician’s Request for Administration of Medication by School Personnel form that is signed and dated by the prescribing physician, as well as by the parent or legal guardian requesting this service.
- All prescription and non-prescription drugs must be in their original containers.
- All original containers of prescription drugs must have pharmacy labels that include the following:
- Student’s name
- Physician’s name
- Name of drug
- Frequency, dosage, and method of administration
- Date the prescription was filled
- Each properly labeled container shall contain no more than one (1) medication.
- All medications shall be stored in the School Clinic. (Exceptions must be approved in advance by proper authorities.)
- No medication will be administered from or kept in the School Clinic for more than fifteen (15) days, unless otherwise prescribed by a physician or dentist.
Forms can be found on the School's Magnus Health Student Medical Record (SMR) system.
Health Procedures/Student Medical Leave
Health Procedures
- If a student is on medication OF ANY KIND, please notify the School Nurse in writing. No medication of any kind can be given to or taken by a student without written permission from the parent.
- If a student is injured, his/her parents will be contacted immediately.
- If it seems necessary for a student to leave the School, he/she will be kept in the Clinic until a parent or a person designated by a parent comes for him/her.
- If emergency care is required, the student will be transported to St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital, unless otherwise indicated by parents. Emergency Health Information cards are made available for each new student upon entrance. This card serves as a Medical Consent to Treat card. It grants school personnel permission to provide treatment prior to admission to an approved medical facility.
- Contagious diseases or any other serious illnesses must be reported to the Nurse.
- The Prinicipal will notify teachers of the disposition of a case requiring a student’s extended absence.
Student Medical Leave Policy
In certain circumstances, it may become necessary for a student to have an extended absence from school for medical reasons. The School will handle these situations on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the Principal, who will consult with the Associate Head of School to arrange for a medical leave.
Immunization Requirements
To meet State vaccine requirements, Episcopal High School requires ALL students to receive the immunizations listed on the link below. Receipt of the required student’s dose up to and including four days before the birthday will satisfy the school entry immunization requirement:
> Texas Minimum State Vaccine Requirements for Students Grades K-12
Medical Exemption
All students must be fully immunized upon enrollment, unless there is a specific medical reason for exclusion of a vaccine. Episcopal High School no longer accepts students with conscientious objections. If your student is claiming a medical exemption, he or she must have a letter from his or her physician, which must be updated annually, stating that the required vaccines would be medically harmful or injurious to the health and well-being of the child. These medical exemptions will be reviewed and accepted on a case-by-case basis. Students who have not received any vaccines will not be considered for medical exemption.
Mental Health Counselors
High school can be a difficult time and our team is here to help students develop long lasting skills through supportive counseling and psychoeducation to encourage their individual growth as they navigate the Four Pillars at EHS. The goal of the counseling team at Episcopal High School is to provide a nonjudgmental, confidential, and empathetic space for students. The team is also available to meet with parents, when necessary, on an individual basis to help support their child throughout their time at EHS. While we do not provide on-going therapy, we do frequently work in tandem with students' outside therapists to provide consistent care as needed. If you have any questions regarding our roles or how we can support your student, please feel free to reach out.
Choices Program
Choices Mission
The Council on Recovery Choices Program and EHS in partnership aim to reduce high-risk behavior through comprehensive education for all members of the school community: students, parents, faculty, and staff.
The Choices Education Specialist offers educational flyers and activities centered on a monthly topic, arranges for Chapel speakers with Advisory curriculum, works with the Dean of Spiritual Life to develop a series of Parent Forums throughout the year, and serves as a consultant and advisor for staff and faculty to better understand, identify, and develop strategies for working with those demonstrating high-risk behaviors.