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We Stand for EHS

A Stronger School

Uplifts Us All.



Why Give?
For our students. For our Episcopal values. For the future of greater Houston and beyond.

Your gift to the Stand for EHS campaign will uphold the Four Pillars and will benefit students. Every donation will go toward revitalizing and expanding our arts spaces; reimagining the Benitez Chapel; and ensuring a promising, sustainable future for the entire EHS family.

It’s time to take a stand. For the balancing of the Four Pillars, for abundant possibility, for joy. Help us realize our greatest transformation since the earliest days of the School’s history—and give today.

Give to the campaign

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 We raise money and we build buildings on this campus so that we may create a particular kind of space so that we may build a particular kind of community and a particular kind of school that is significantly and intentionally different than the way the rest of the world works.

The Rt. Rev C. Andrew Doyle 

IX Bishop of Texas

 As an alumnus and trustee, I am thrilled to support the future of Episcopal High School. The Arts Center will help students develop their artistic talents, and the Benitez Chapel is central to EHS’s daily worship and core commitment to teach and share the Gospel. I truly believe that there is no better school in Houston for a well-rounded education and students’ development of intellect, faith, and agency that will serve them – and help them serve others – for a lifetime.

Richard Howell '01

Executive Chairman, Board of Trustees


The VPAC is the realization of the EHS commitment to the Four Pillars. By creating a visible and accessible home for the Arts, the phenomenal work of our student-artists and world-class faculty is reinforced as being essential to the growth of the individual.

The VPAC will forever change how the EHS community interacts with the Arts. With a common space and massive change in accessibility and visibility, students can explore the different offerings, meet to collaborate, and experience the quality of artistic experience typically only available to college-level artists.

Paul Revaz

Dean of Arts


The new ETV studio will allow us to design a space that’s ideal for animation AND moviemaking without sacrificing for either program. At the moment, mixing the spaces forces us to make choices in the classroom that often come with tradeoffs.

The studio space will open up the opportunity to run live-demos on shooting, directing, acting, lighting, and sound. Currently, doing so in the classroom space is logistically infeasible.

Pejman Milani

ETV Instructor


EHS Founded

Shortly after our founding, EHS repurposed the 1930's home of the Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament.


EHS Opens Doors

EHS opened its doors in 1984 to 149 students.


Crum Field House

The Crum Field House provided much needed space for practices and games in Scurlock Gym. The second-floor space above the locker rooms provided a conference room, weight room, and coaches’ offices. 


Margaret and Herman Brown Learning and Resource Center

EHS's first new-build academic building provided classroom space for a growing student body and a new home for the Underwood Library. 


The Parking Garage

The garage consolidated traffic and provided land space for the future growth of educational, athletics, and fine arts facilities.


Jack T. Trotter Academic and Sciences Building

This 80,000 square feet academic building replaced the original 1950's Marian High School classroom building and featured 12 science labs, one language lab, 24 classrooms, faculty offices, and deans' offices. 


Hildebrand Athletic Center

As the school population neared 800, this state-of-the-art building offered a new Alkek Gym—a competition court with arena-style seating for 1,500—a fitness center, a wrestling/cheer gym, large locker rooms, an expansive alumni room overlooking the court, and athletic fields.


Underwood Student Center

This project rebuilt the central hub of campus that included a dining hall, art gallery, theater, innovation classrooms, study areas, and faculty offices. 


Visual and Performing Arts Center

This modern and dynamic facility in the center of campus will bring the arts, one of the true strengths of EHS, into sharper focus with over 50 courses and 17 full-time faculty. 


Benitez Chapel

The chapel is a space designed to encourage a sense of belonging and community, where we will all be assured daily that we are loved by God.

Our Donors

Thank you to those who given so generously. 

See the Full Donor List

Check out the latest progress on the Visual and Performing Arts Center below.

March 19, 2024

April 30, 2024

June 17, 2024

April 10, 2024

May 14, 2024

October 21, 2024